Choose the Right Extracurriculars at the Right Time for College Applications
August 12th, 2015While it’s back to school for many students this week, we thought extracurriculars might be on your minds at the start of the school year. Author Brian Witte wrote an article for US News that correctly points out the importance of matching extracurriculars with what students are passionate about. However, we think it is most important to keep that internal focus as opposed to thinking externally about what an admissions officer might want to see. We believe students need to develop their activities around personal growth, apply their strengths and improve their weaknesses in order to learn more about themselves as they prepare for college.
When meeting with students we say, “Don’t let the tail wag the dog!” In other words, if you spend all of your time wondering what might please an admission committee, you’ll miss out on marvelous opportunities to grow and change. By deepening involvement and leadership in activities of great interest, you’ll become a more interesting and capable individual, one who just might change the world around you. If that makes you a more intriguing applicant for college, summer programs, jobs and scholarships, well, that’s icing on the cake.
Article published August 18, 2014
By: Brian Witte
It is no secret that the extracurricular activities you pursue in high school can significantly affect your college admissions experience. But it’s true that not all activities are created equal, and some could have a disproportionate effect on your chances of getting accepted to your ideal college.
There are no specific extracurricular activities that will magically unlock the Ivy League gates or guarantee admission to a particular university. Competitive colleges and universities are besieged by academically strong students. What they desire are students who can contribute to the campus community.
Read more at US News >>Tagged: Admission decision, Applications, College, Opportunity
How to Live Wisely
August 4th, 2015Have you ever thought about what you really want out of life? How your everyday decisions help you reach your ultimate goal? With the school year right around the corner we have been talking a lot about how to prepare for a successful year. This article from the New York Times highlights how one well-known university is helping first-year students share ideas and think critically about life choices aligning with life goals. So start thinking – do you live wisely for the life you want?
Article published July 31, 2015
By: Richard J. Light
Imagine you are Dean for a Day. What is one actionable change you would implement to enhance the college experience on campus?
I have asked students this question for years. The answers can be eye-opening. A few years ago, the responses began to move away from “tweak the history course” or “change the ways labs are structured.” A different commentary, about learning to live wisely, has emerged.
Read more at New York Times >>Tagged: Choices, Opportunity, Personal characteristics
Linking your college education to a career
June 26th, 2015As you head to college this fall there are big decisions to be made. What dorm should you live in? Should you rush a fraternity or sorority? Should you play sports or get involved in extracurriculars? An even bigger decision to ponder as you enter college….what should you major in?
At Shropshire Educational Consulting, we urge students to take advantage of the breadth of academic opportunities available to undergraduates. Develop an academic focus, certainly, and be mindful of post-college goals. But don’t wear blinders, as the communication, analytical and creative skills that a broad undergraduate education fosters will serve you very well throughout the course of your career.
In this article, Gerald Bradshaw explores changes in our economy and what they mean for your future career options. Good food for thought.
June 11, 2015
By: Gerald Bradshaw
My role as a college admissions consultant has increasingly taken on a career-advising focus. Students today want to know what to study as well as where to pursue their degrees.
The globalization of the economy and the shifting of our manufacturing base overseas has meant that many students are worrying about their career options. They want to know where they will fit in.
Read more at Chicago Tribune >>Tagged: Career, College, Opportunity
Five Summer Tips for the College Bound
June 4th, 2015While there are a lot of exciting events and celebrations happening for 2015 graduates, there are also some things students can work on this summer to get ready for their next big change in life. In this article Beverly Low writes about some ways that incoming freshman can prepare to manage the exciting changes coming this fall when they enter college. Although the article was written two years ago, at Shrop Ed we feel the advice remains highly relevant.
By: Beverly Low
July 3, 2013
Like the colorful and constant noise of summer fireworks, advice for college first-years has begun exploding from all directions. Celebrations are mixed with a nervous excitement that will not be matched or replicated ever again. Going to college in the fall. Kaboom!
Read more at Huffington Post >>Tagged: College, Opportunity, Summer