All Colleges Change Lives
May 16th, 2016Graduation nears, and Shrop Ed’s high school seniors are celebrating! Because we’re often asked where our students enroll, this feels like the right time to share the list of admission offers our students received for fall of 2016:
Barnard C.* U. of Kentucky* Smith C.
Boston C. Lewis & Clark C. Southern Methodist U.
Brandeis U. Macalester C. Stanford U.*
Carleton C. Miami U. (OH)* St. Edwards U.
Case Western Reserve U. U. of Michigan U. of Tampa*
Centre C. U. of Mississippi U. of Texas
Champlain C.* U. of Nebraska-Lincoln* Texas Christian U.*
U. of Chicago Northeastern U. Tufts U.*
Clark U. Occidental C. U. of Utah
Clarkson U. U. of Pennsylvania* U. of Vermont*
Colby U. Princeton U.* U. of Virginia
U. of Colorado Reed C. Washington and Lee U.
Columbia U. Rensselaer Washington U.
U. of Denver* Rice U. Wellesley C.
Emory U. U. of Rochester Wesleyan C.*
Georgetown U. Rochester Institute of Tech. Worcester Polytechnic I.
Harvard U. Rose-Hulman Institute of Tech. Xavier U.
Harvey Mudd C.* U. of San Diego Yale U.*
Asterisks indicate matriculation choices; in some cases, more than one of our students will enter in the fall.
I love this list! Why? Because it reflects a wide range of campus environments, selectivity and student bodies, encompassing state flagships and Ivies, liberal arts colleges and institutes of technology. Each student applied to a carefully considered group of schools reflecting ideal matches for him/her.
The national press makes much of students who receive multiple offers from the nation’s best-known colleges. Certainly we jump for joy, too, when our students receive such news. Yet colleges in that small subset are right for very few. We feel equal joy for our students who look in other directions and find less renowned colleges just right for their interests and goals, places where they’ll succeed, thrive, establish an excellent foundation for whatever comes later in life. Wouldn’t it be nice if the press celebrated these students and their colleges in the same way!
Several weeks ago, the Washington Post published an article written by a New Hampshire college advisor about the kinds of college choices he’d like to see celebrated in the press. We’re grateful to the Shrop Ed parent who brought it to our attention and hope you’ll follow this link for some interesting reading.
Article published April 26, 2016
Written by: Valerie Strauss
Last month, Brennan Barnard, a college counselor at a private school in New Hampshire, wrote a piece on how the college admissions process for many students had become something akin to The Hunger Games. He wrote:
“In an ideal world, college preparatory education would encourage students who crave knowledge, seek community engagement, desire connection and live their values. We say we want our children to feel secure, be inspired and take risks with their curiosity. The reality of “The Hunger Games” comes closer to the truth, where students battle to survive in application pools seeming to demand perfection.”
Read more at The Washington Post >>Tagged: College, Graduation
Top 10 Commencement Speeches
May 28th, 2015Congratulations, seniors, on your graduation! I am very proud of the dedication and hard work everyone has put in to get to this point. As you embark on your next big journey in life you will hear a lot of advice, some good, some bad and some just plain funny. Let me add to the words of wisdom you will hear through some inspiring commencement speeches given throughout the years. Please click through the following website and if you have links to your own favorite speeches or pieces of advice, please send them our way. Best of luck with all that lies ahead.
Read more at Graduation Wisdom >>Tagged: College, Commencement, Graduation, Personal characteristics
Well-earned endings and fresh beginnings
June 24th, 2010Lexington, KY – I am moved by commencement exercises, time after time. Beautiful, leafy campuses in springtime, faculty in full academic regalia, graduates’ nervous anticipation, raw emotions racing across family members’ faces: All of this turns me into a living, breathing sprinkler. Just lead me from place to place around a campus, and my eyes will water surrounding plants and flowers liberally.
Read more at >>Tagged: College, Commencement, Graduation