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Tagged: Opportunity

Changing the family tree

September 8th, 2010
Lexington, KY – Think about the “firsts” in your family: the first of your forebears to arrive in America, to meet with success in business or a profession, to serve in the military or excel in the arts, or to pursue higher education. Each of them changed your family’s notion of what’s possible, thus establishing a new branch on the family tree.
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Managing your online presence

April 29th, 2010

by Sue H. Strup, MSEd. Lexington, KY – Soon-to-be graduates of high schools and colleges who aren’t finding success in their job hunting or college application efforts may want to take another look at their social networking pages or videos. Chances are, their interviewers are tuned into Facebook, Linked In, YouTube, and Twitter, and something may be out there that could be destroying an otherwise stellar candidate’s reputation in terms of “digital dirt.”

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Higher Ed Matters – A new look at learning

March 18th, 2010

Lexington, KY – Brutus Clay oversees acquisitions and development for Langley Properties, a commercial real estate firm. He is a graduate of Georgetown University, and his M.B.A. is from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

Despite this impressive resume, Clay experienced difficulties when he was in school.

“I’m wired differently,” he said.

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A Test Run for Young Talent

February 18th, 2010

Lexmark, Alltech and Big Ass Fans may not have a great deal in common beyond the region in which they are headquartered. They are very different types of businesses run on very different business models. Yet, here’s one thing on which they all agree: internships are valuable.

Internships provide opportunities for companies to test young talent and for young talent to test the world of work. Billy Frey, who oversees Alltech’s marketing internship program, says that almost all new Alltech hires have previously interned with the company for three to 12 months. Each intern gets a “crash course in our culture and pace,” and interns and managers alike see plainly when the Alltech way is not a match. When it is a match, though, the internship experience can give the company a leg up in recruiting the employee.

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