The Supreme Court’s decision and its effect on the upcoming admission cycle
August 15th, 2023Since the Supreme Court struck down affirmative action in college admissions this summer, much has been changing.
Quite a few colleges have revised Common Application supplement questions to elicit more information about students’ lived experiences and how they may contribute to inclusion and sharing of diverse perspectives on campus.

At least one college, Virginia Tech, eliminated Early Decision, which entails a binding commitment, in favor of Early Action, which allows students to compare all admission and financial aid offers that may result.
One college, Wake Forest, introduced an Early Action option specifically for First-Generation college students, while maintaining an Early Decision program for students willing and able to foreclose other options.
Wesleyan University (Connecticut) and Occidental College (California) eliminated legacy preferences, joining a handful of institutions including Amherst, Carnegie Mellon and MIT that had already done so. The University of Virginia has changed its approach to legacy status, inviting students with ties of all kinds to the institution to discuss how their tie prepares them to contribute to campus life. This new policy includes special mention of descendants of individuals who labored at UVA.
We’re heartened to note the common thread running through all of this: emphasis on equity, inclusion and understanding. While we have some trepidation about what the Court has wrought, we’re hopeful about changes under way and believe that today’s article link from Inside Higher Ed will deepen your understanding of this shift.
Article linked below written by Liam Knox, published on August 2, 2023 by Inside Higher Ed
The Common App Enters an Uncommon Era
Even in a typical year, Aug. 1 is a big day for college admissions.
It’s launch day for the Common App, the 1,000-member platform for college applications, and the beginning of many months of preparation and nervous anticipation for parents and applicants of all ages. Many college counselors refer to it as “admissions new year.”
But yesterday wasn’t just the start of a new year in admissions; it was the dawn of a new era, the first application cycle since the Supreme Court struck down affirmative action.