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Take me to your leaders: What college admission deans are looking for

June 12th, 2017

Leadership:  this word generates so much attention in the college admissions world.  It puts pressure on young people to believe they must hold a top officer position in order to be considered a leader prior to applying for college.  

But what exactly is leadership?  In the Huffington Post article we share with you today, it is defined in more ways than one and may have you thinking outside the box while completing the leadership section of your college application.  This article is full of direct quotes from admissions officers at several universities who give us perfect examples of what leadership means to them.  

Article published below by The Huffington Post on February 20, 2017

Written by:  Brennan Barnard

“The college invasion.” This is how my high school seniors describe the scene on our campus each fall. Admission visitors—like extraterrestrials—arrive in their rental cars with big smiles and stories of bright new worlds. Their message is always the same—“take me to your leaders.”

College admission officers spend weeks on end traveling the world, recruiting tomorrow’s leaders. But what exactly are they searching for? How do they define a leader? Who will they choose to take back with them? What qualities will these individuals embody? How will they be identified, wooed and culled? These are the questions silently percolating in young minds as they listen to these visitors describe fascinating futures filled with exploration and engagement.

Read more at Huffington Post >>

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