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Fall is admission recruitment season … for boarding schools, too!

October 30th, 2018
Each October Lexington has the good fortune of hosting admission officers from boarding schools around the country, thanks to The Lexington School’s annual secondary school fair.  I look forward to the event as quite a few of the school representatives take time to visit my office, as well.
School visitors this year included:
Baylor (TN)
Brehm (IL)
Brook Hill (TX)
Cushing (MA)
Darlington (GA)
Forman (CT)
Gow (NY)
Groton (MA)
Madeira (VA)
Marianapolis (CT)
McCallie (TN)
Millbrook (NY)
Ridley (Ontario, Canada)
Webb (TN)
Woodberry Forest (VA)

Just as with college admission, finding the right fit for boarding school is key.  Some of the schools are single-gender; some are for students with specialized learning needs; some are for “high flyers” and some can work successfully with students at a wide range of academic levels.  Their settings are varied and the feel of each campus environment is different.

I love to hear admission directors’ updates about students and faculty, campus life, facilities, successes and challenges.  We also discuss bigger-picture issues, and one that featured prominently this year was the increasing evidence in student anxiety and how schools are providing programming and counseling.  There are so many interesting parallels between boarding school and college life, and these discussions connect the dots in fascinating ways.

I have always felt that the two sides of my consulting practice, boarding school and college, compliment each other and these fall conversations with visiting admission directors reinforce the benefits.

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