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5 Ways to Stay on Track in Summer

April 18th, 2016

It’s mid-April already, and we’re all counting down to summer! Quite a few of our students have summer plans solidified but some are still considering options. Can summer experiences affect school and college applications? Maybe. They can reflect initiative, curiosity, willingness to engage in new experiences … or they can show lack of same.

Exciting and productive summer experiences can be expensive if done through a program, but families wishing to save funds for school and college tuition can help their children find equally valuable experiences close to home. Community service in a developing nation is a fantastic experience, for example, but so is helping in a deep way where need exists nearby. Each student will have different options, and the key is making the most of them.

We like the College Board’s simple slide show with ideas about how to spend the summer: Please let us know if you do, too.

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